We no longer provide travel clinics or travel health advice in the practice. You can access travel clinics locally at Boots Penrith, Boots Kendal or Dalston Pharmacy.
If recommended by the local travel clinic we can provide the following vaccinations free on the NHS to travellers:
- Hepatitis A
- Diptheria, Tetanus and Polio (DTP)
- Typhoid
Appointments for the above vaccinations are only available if you have been advised that they are required by a travel clinic. Please give at least 4 weeks’ notice when booking an appointment with the practice nurse (appointments for travel vaccinations are not available on the day or at short notice). Please also bring any travel clinic documentation with you and the nurse will check eligibility and administer the vaccines. We are unable to administer any vaccines without sight of the travel clinic documentation.
All other vaccinations and travel health advice should be provided by the travel clinic.