Dental emergencies
If you think you need urgent care, contact your usual dentist as some surgeries offer emergency dental slots and will...
Eden Physiotherapy – self referral
Please see below self-referral form for if you would like to self-refer to Eden Musculoskeletal Outpatient Physiotherapy, or you have...
Urgent appointments To request an urgent appointment for today (Monday to Friday) use your Patient Access account (on the Patient...
Covid-19 and flu vaccinations
Flu and COVID-19 spread more easily in winter and can cause you serious illness. Come forward for your flu and...
Ordering repeat prescriptions The easiest ways to order repeat prescriptions are: using the GP online system: Patient Access using your NHS...
Are you caring for or supporting a relative, friend or neighbour? Are you helped or supported by a relative, friend...
Managing your health online
Using an online form There are many things you can do online at our surgery. Some tasks you can do...
Non-NHS services
The NHS does not pay for some of our services. For example: - private sick notes - insurance forms -...
NHS e-referral service The NHS e-Referral Service which replaced Choose and Book provides an easy way for patients to choose...
Find out more about the clinics and services available at the surgery.